Chris Weber
COVID-19 has affected us all in different ways, and I’ve noticed many different ways I, and others have reacted to this new living conditions. Some people are handling this completely fine, they’re still getting up to go to their zoom lectures, and have been able to keep up just about the same schedule they did at school. Many people have also taken this as an opportunity to learn new skills, get in shape, or finally start a project they have been thinking about. If you are one of these people, you can stop reading this right now. It’s not for you.
This post is for the people who, like myself, have spent a solid portion of our quarantine time drinking. Alcohol sales are up something like 250% since this virus hit, and when you think about how many college students are now back home with little to no responsibilities, it makes a lot of sense… and there’s no good reason as to why this shouldn’t have happened, college is a place where kids drink and have a good time, and they have had a half of a semester of that stolen from them. But the problem is that we are not at college anymore, and I know I sound like a strict mom or something, but drinking alone is much different than drinking at a party or with friends, especially when it happens frequently. Sure you could be talking to your friends online or drinking with your family at dinner, but that can very quickly turn into drinking after you’ve finished doing those things, and continuing well into the night.
I’m not saying this definitely happens, or that it could even happen to you, I’m just trying to hint at the fact that alcohol is an addictive drug, and once you start drinking it isn’t too easy to stop for some people. Plus all this free time and boredom won’t help the addictive urges to drink once you’ve got in the habit of it.
I’m not trying to say don’t drink over quarantine, I’m just saying it would definitely be smart to be mindful about your relationship with alcohol during this life with no responsibility, because it definitely seems like it’s now easier than it normally was to let things get out of control, and because eventually the world will turn back to normal and it will be time to function in society again.
What can you do instead? Well any of the many things I mentioned in my first paragraph and more, you can use this time to do whatever you want. You can be motivated and work on things, or you can just relax and stay safe, as long as you are doing either of the two safely. I think it’s important to say that over stressing and working yourself too hard could be just as bad if not worse for your health than drinking a little too much for one week. Whatever you do, just stay safe, stay calm, and know this will all be over eventually.